How To Make Someone Fall in Love With You

Do you think it's possible to make someone fall in love with you to answer that question I first need to tell you a few quick things about the psychology of love.

love is an emotion that your mind uses to make sure that you will stay near the people who are important to you.

now the question is who are those people your mind would want you to stay close to?

as soon as you are born you start acquiring new beliefs about yourself and others developing certain unmet needs such as the need for attention for example acquiring certain values from your care givers or school and going through different life experiences that shape your way of thinking all of these factors combined determine the kind of person you would fall in love with.

let's suppose for example that a woman was raised in a family that had financial difficulties in such a case one of the things she would be looking for in a potential partner is either money or ambition. 

Here's another example if a guy was born in a family where he was not getting enough attention then he would become an attention seeker when he grows up and as a result he will look for a woman who can give him this extra attention he was depraved of or a one who can draw more attention to him in real life.

Things are much more complex people usually develop tons of needs and not just one just as in the previous example those needs are stored in the mind inside the list called The Love map and when someone meets the majority of the criteria in this love map love happens most people are not consciously aware of the items in this list and as a result they think that love is magical while the truth is love is nothing more than finding a person who can help you to satisfy the important and unmet needs you developed throughout your life 

now what do you think will happen if you found a way to find the person's love map then show them that you are the kind of person who meets all the criteria in this map and who can help him satisfy his unmet needs ?

The correct answer is he will fall in love with you this is exactly what the book "How To Make Anyone Fall in Love With You" can help you achieve by telling you how to find out someone's love map and how to change your behavior to prove to that person's subconscious mind that you are the kind of person he is looking for that person would fall in love with you.


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